
He has what we need....

Why do we forget so frequently that He has was we need? That He will always provide? Is it because Faith is not tangible? Because we need to be able to have something that we can touch and feel? Well, He reminded me that we do have something that we can touch and feel and that is His Word, the Bible. Last night my heart was a bit heavy when I went to bed. Things from the day were on my mind, things that happened in the world and personal things. God knew what I needed, He always does. It's just sometimes, maybe lots of times, I fail to listen. I listened this morning. When I woke up this morning, I knew I couldn't "do" my day feeling like I did when I went to bed. As I was sitting with my husband having our coffee and talking, I heard the words "Psalms 121" over and over in my head. I went to my Bible and here was everything I needed. My prayer is that it may help someone else as well! I think we all need to know that our strength comes from The Lord at

Why Rise Up?

Why Rise Up? Because I believe we fall to a low point before we are called to rise up, to listen, to see something bigger then ourselves. To hear the word of another that makes us wake up and realize there is something bigger then how we are currently feeling! Feelings will come and go but truth will stand, it will rise up! I hope you stick with me as we dive deeper into faith, family and wellness as the Lord leads.